Of Carts and Horses: Where Fluency Teaching Fits in the Learning to Read by Timothy Shanahan

Where does fluency fit into learning how to read?  Researcher, Timothy Shanahan, shares his opinion on this subject and more.  Check out his latest blog post in the link below or go directly to www.shanahanonliteracy.com.  Happy Teaching!

**photo credit - www.ayearofmanyfirsts.com


Let's listen to what Rick Wormeli says about assessment...

56 Examples of Formative Assessment

Tired of the same old formative assessment tools?  David Wees, Formative Assessment Specialist at New Visions for Public Schools, created this fabulous list of examples of formative assessments teachers can use to check for student's understanding so they can re-adjust and plan for next steps in their instruction.

56 Examples of Formative Assessment

12 Choices to Help You Step Back from Burnout

12 Choices to Help You Step Back from Burnout


What are the "Seven Success Factors for Instructional Coaching Programs" according to Jim Knight?  Click on the link below to read Jim Knight's latest article in Principal Leadership as he shares what he has learned after collaborating with over 20,000 instructional coaches all across the world over the past decade.


Oneonta Elementary School

These students at Oneonta Elementary School were so excited about learning how to "form uppercase and lowercase letters in cursive" and "write legibly in cursive". ‪#‎CCRstandard‬ ‪#‎2ndgrade‬ ‪#‎3rdgrade‬

Region 2 Coaches Deepening Their Knowledge

East Elementary School - Cullman, Alabama

The teachers at East Elementary School at Cullman City Schools in Region 2 are having some powerful conversations about Close Reading. Check out this link to see some of their topics of conversation. Also, if you've never used glogster with your students…it's a very cool way for students to create and publish digital posters incorporating a variety of media. **Note-With glogster, you have to sign up for a 7 day trial…after that they offer the service free to educators.  Thanks for sharing, Lindsay Brannon!

Explicit Instruction

Research tells us that the average child needs between 4 and 14 exposures to a new word to recognize it automatically. However, children with reading difficulties need 40 or more exposures to a new word. (National Reading Panel, 2001). In one of the small group lessons pictured below, each student had at least 25 individual times to practice reading new words in a 25 minute lesson. WOW! ‪#‎explicit instruction‬

The 21st Century Classroom

BYOD. Google Chrome. iPads. Nooks. One-to-One Initiatives. So many choices. What does a 21st century classroom look like? We hear these terms so casually tossed into conversations almost like tomatoes in a salad. However, without intentional planning and careful consideration, a "21st century classroom" can be useless and a waste of time to everyone involved. Simply having the tools available to students is not enough. As educators, we must infuse technology into our classrooms as much as possible. Why? Sorry Generation X and Y…it's all Generation Z knows. It's what they expect.

A Technology Infused Classroom - Hayden Elementary School

What is your wish for 2015?

What is your wish for 2015?  Elena Aguilar's wish is to transform schools specifically by funding more coaches to provide support in the areas of leadership, support for new teachers, developing teachers, professional development and research for coaching, along with equity.  In her next post she is going to talk in depth about "coaching for equity".  I can't wait to read more about coaching for equity!!  Click on the link below to read the complete article.  Happy Coaching!! :)

Elena Aguilar, an experienced K-12 educator, is a transformational-leadership coach and consultant in Oakland, Calif. She is the author of The Art of Coaching: Effective Strategies for School Transformation (Jossey-Bass, 2013) and is currently working on a book about coaching teams.

The Power of Words

Coaching Community Canceled 

Thursday, January 8, 2015 

Due to School Delays!

Happy New Year from Region 2!!!

It's hard to believe it's the new year!! Are you already short on time? Dave Stuart, Jr. of TeachingtheCore.com provides some great tips to "Setting a Work Schedule to Make Us Better and Saner Teachers". Click on the link to read more! We look forward to working with all of you in 2015!


Close Reading PD at East Elementary