Explicit Instruction

Research tells us that the average child needs between 4 and 14 exposures to a new word to recognize it automatically. However, children with reading difficulties need 40 or more exposures to a new word. (National Reading Panel, 2001). In one of the small group lessons pictured below, each student had at least 25 individual times to practice reading new words in a 25 minute lesson. WOW! ‪#‎explicit instruction‬

The 21st Century Classroom

BYOD. Google Chrome. iPads. Nooks. One-to-One Initiatives. So many choices. What does a 21st century classroom look like? We hear these terms so casually tossed into conversations almost like tomatoes in a salad. However, without intentional planning and careful consideration, a "21st century classroom" can be useless and a waste of time to everyone involved. Simply having the tools available to students is not enough. As educators, we must infuse technology into our classrooms as much as possible. Why? Sorry Generation X and Y…it's all Generation Z knows. It's what they expect.

A Technology Infused Classroom - Hayden Elementary School

Close Reading PD at East Elementary